Lawrence Johnson (type-founder)

Lawrence Johnson (23 January 1801 – 24 April 1860), was born and educated in England. After an early apprenticeship in the printing industry, he emigrated to the United States of America in his youth, and became an eminent stereotyper and type-founder in Philadelphia[1] and one of the most extensive and successful type-founders in the United States.[2]

Lawrence Johnson
Born January 23, 1801(1801-01-23)
Kingston-upon-Hull, England
Died April 24, 1860(1860-04-24) (aged 59)
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Resting place St Thomas’ Churchyard, Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania
Residence 727 & 729 Pine Street, Philadelphia
Nationality English
Citizenship United States of America
Occupation Type-founder / Businessman
Known for Stereotyping & Type-founding
Style L. Johnson and Company
Johnson & Smith
The Johnson Type Foundry
Spouse Sarah Bacon Murray
Mary Winder
Parents Edward Johnson and Ann Clayton


Early life in England

Lawrence Johnson was born in Kingston-upon-Hull, England on January 23, 1801, the second son and third child of Edward Johnson and Ann Clayton. He was baptized in Holy Trinity Church on March 2, 1801. Johnson was educated in Hull and in Bungay, Suffolk County, England.[3][4] At the age of twelve he was sent to learn the printing and publishing business with the firm of Brightly and Childs, which was represented in Hull by his father, Edward. This firm, which operated a paper mill and an extensive printing office and stereotype foundry, was established in 1795, and was for many years among the largest printers and publishers of periodical works in Great Britain. He apprenticed with Brightly and Childs for several years until sailing with his parents for America in 1818.[4]

Professional life

Stereotyping and type foundry development

Upon arriving in America, Lawrence Johnson secured a position in Troy, New York with The Northern Budget, a Republican weekly newspaper.[4] In the spring of 1819, he began working in New York in the printing office of Bunce and Gray, often working sixteen to eighteen hours a day.[5][1] Having observed the art of stereotyping in England, where his first employer, Brightly and Childs, had been among the first to adopt it, Johnson sought to learn more about the practice, and in 1820 he entered the employment of B. & J. Collins, one of two firms that did nearly all the stereotyping in New York.[1][5] Having acquired a sufficient knowledge of stereotyping in New York, he soon left for Philadelphia to establish his own enterprise.[4][5] There, despite his limited means and knowledge, he managed to develop a successful stereotyping business. Initially his stereotype foundry was located at 17 Cypress Alley in Philadelphia. By the late 1820’s it was located at 6 George Street (later renamed 606-608 Sansom Street), where it remained until 1906 when the property was sold to the Curtis Publishing Company.[4] Prior to the establishment of Johnson’s foundry, those publishers in Philadelphia who desired to use stereotyping for book printing sent their orders to New York. One of Johnsons's earliest successful efforts in stereotyping was Henry’s Commentary on the Scriptures for the publishers, Tower and Hogan.[2]

Despite many challenges, during his first decade in Philadelphia Johnson developed and operated a large and prosperous stereotyping business. In 1833 he added type-founding to his operations when, in conjunction with George F. Smith, he bought The Philadelphia Type Foundry, originally established by Archibald Binny and James Ronaldson.[2] The foundry had lost business to other type-foundries, having fallen into disrepair since its initial prosperity. Johnson made major extensions and improvements, and established a solid and successful enterprise.[1][5] Ten years later, in 1843, George F. Smith retired from the type-foundry business, and for two years, Johnson operated both the type-foundry and the stereotype foundry under his exclusive ownership.[2] In 1845 Johnson brought in three of his employees as junior partners: Thomas MacKellar, John F. Smith and Richard Smith. The business operated under the title of L. Johnson & Company, although it was commonly known as the “Johnson Type Foundry”.[1][2][5] In 1856 a branch foundry was established in Cincinnati, under the management of Robert Allison, who later became its owner.[6]

After Lawrence Johnson’s death in 1860, Peter A. Jordon became a partner in the company, and in 1867, the name changed from L. Johnson and Company to MacKellar, Smiths and Jordon.[4] Nonetheless, the operation was long known as the “Johnson Type Foundry”.[6][2] In 1892, the firm was incorporated with the American Type Founders’ Company.[1][6]

Innovations and contributions

During his tenure Johnson oversaw several innovations in the business and made additional contributions to the art and practice of type-founding.[2] Johnson adopted the new art of electrotyping, a higher quality process for making printing plates to stereotyping, as soon as it became available.[5] The Johnson Type Foundry was greatly enlarged and developed a wide variety of type.[2] In 1858 the firm supported a revival of William Caslon's old-style types by bringing the matrices to the United States from England.[7]

In 1944 the Johnson Type Foundry published the first extensive specimen book in an octavo volume of about four hundred pages.[2] This specimen book far exceeded any others of that time in quality and extent,[1][2] having “no superior in the world of typography”[5] Specimen books showed the numerous varieties of types made in a foundry, but the originality of the type and presentation in the Johnson Foundry book attracted the attention of printers everywhere,[5] and other foundries soon followed suit by increasing the size of their publications. In 1849 the Johnson Foundry issued the first quarto specimen book ever published. In this edition the letters and type, for the first time, were presented in full words and phrases increasing the appeal of the presentation. This innovation was soon adopted by many of the type-founders in the United States.[2] The firm continued to produce new and unique specimen books well after Johnson’s death.[5] In 1855 L. Johnson & Company began the Typographic Advertiser, the first printer’s paper devoted to printing and typography in the United States,[1] and a means to show new productions of the Johnson Foundry.[5]

Johnson was a member of the Philadelphia Typographical Society,[1] to which he made significant contributions.[2] Late in his life, Johnson, along with other leading type-founders of Philadelphia successfully petitioned Congress to modify copyright law to extend protection to letter-cutters, engravers, and originators of designs.[5] In 1886 the Type Founders Association of the United States chose the dimensions of the Johnson Pica, named after Lawrence Johnson, as the official standard for the pica.[8]

Other business interests

Lawrence Johnson was involved in many other enterprises in Philadelphia and elsewhere, including the development of coal mining, building of street-car lines, and banking.[5] He was president of the Commonwealth Bank of Philadelphia, and a director of The Green and Coates Street Passenger Railway Company, the Philadelphia Coal Company, the Barclay Railroad and Coal Company and the Empire Coal Company. He was an incorporator of The Equitable Insurance, Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company, and of the United States Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company. Johnson was also a trustee of the Union Academy of Philadelphia, which was chartered in 1851. He became a member of the Franklin Institute in 1825, and a life member in 1835. He was a member of both the Typographical Society of Philadelphia and of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In 1852 he was elected a member of the Philadelphia Society for the Establishment and Support of Charity Schools.[4]


Johnson first married Sarah Bacon Murray, daughter of James Murray and Jane Doane of Philadelphia, on May 3, 1825. She died on August 21, 1834, one month after the death of their second child. Their one surviving child, Sarah Murray Johnson, was born on March 27, 1826.[3][4]

Lawrence Johnson’s second wife was Mary Winder, daughter of Aaron Winder and Sarah Van Horn, of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. They were married on May 29, 1837, by the Mayor of Philadelphia, John Swift. They lived on Pine Street in Philadelphia.[4] In 1851 Lawrence Johnson purchased “Lansdowne”, a farm and country estate on Neshaminy Creek in Bristol Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where he lived in the summer. The property remained in the family long after his death.[3] Lawrence and Mary Winder Johnson had ten children:[3][4]

Lawrence Johnson was “stricken with apoplexy and paralysis” while at a business meeting in Philadelphia, on April 24, 1860. He was taken home but died on April 26, 1860. He was buried in Woodlands Cemetery, Philadelphia, until a vault and monument were constructed in Mount Vernon Cemetery. On October 9, 1905, his body, with those of other members of the family, was removed to St Thomas's Episcopal Churchyard, Whitemarsh, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.[4]

See also


  1. ^ a b c d e f g h i Pasko, Wesley Washington (1894). American Dictionary of Printing and Bookmaking. New York: Howard Lockwood & Co.. pp. 592. 
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Ringwalt, John Luther (1871). American Encyclopedia of Printing. Philadelphia: Menamin & Ringwalt. pp. 512. 
  3. ^ a b c d Davis, William Watts Hart (1905). History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The Lewis Pul. Co.. pp. 732. 
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k R. W. Johnson Sr and L. J. Morris (1934). The Johnson Family and Allied Families. Philadelphia: Dolphin Press. pp. 455. 
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Scharf, J. Thomas (1884). History of Philadelphia, 1609-1884, Vol. III. Philadelphia: L. H. Everts & Co.. pp. 2399. 
  6. ^ a b c De Vinne, Theodore Low (1899). The Practice of Typography, Volume 1. New York: The Century Co.. pp. 403. 
  7. ^ Gress, Edmund Geiger (1917). The Art & Practice of Typography: a manual of American printing. New York: Oswald Publishing Company. pp. 202. 
  8. ^ Hopkins, Richard L. (1976). Origin of The American Point System. Terra Alta: Hill & Dale Private Press. 

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